Live National and International performers, year round. A celebration of art. A celebration of music and its roots. A venue created by musicians for musicians and fans alike. A celebration of the creative process.
This, we believe is something that has long been missing in our Cape Cod community.
Why are live musical performances so captivating, exciting and essential to our culture? True artists (in all genres) work exceptionally hard at their craft and along the way discover what it means to emote — that is, to be able to satisfy their own personal creative needs while honing their skill-sets and most often in front of live audiences. This is truly the ultimate connection. Sadly, conventional mainstream music as it pertains to real music played by real people on real instruments is being crushed by synthetic music. Playing and writing music is very different than making music. Mainstream popular music is now the product of software manipulation. Albeit this is an art-form in and of itself and may have a satisfying result – it is not real music. The time required to master software is very different and pales in comparison to learning an instrument and working towards proficiency and ultimately mastery.
The primary vision of The Music Room is to have real live musicians do what they do best in front of fans that long for that visceral and natural experience. Visceral is an important word to use here because we want fans to feel it in their gut — to know something magical and spontaneous is happening in front of them and although they might not be able to explain it, they can feel it. This is only accomplished through live music, the moving of air, and the connection of artist to fan and in The Music Room this is accomplished in an intimate setting. The owners of The Music Room are all musicians and endeavor to bring this type of experience to every patron on a nightly basis. Although the acts vary from international stars to regional favorites and very diverse in styles of music, every show has the same goal of making this connection a reality for its audiences.
Fans of real live music seek out venues like The Music Room for just this reason. They seldom want to share the location of such an intimate venue so they can keep the magic for themselves. While we appreciate this point of view, we know the world is a better place with the sharing of such experiences. The Music Room is the ne plus ultra of live music on Cape Cod and we aim to make the experience unforgettable for both artist and fan.
Now that you know what The Music Room is all about, we hope you come inside and share an event with us. Look upon the artifacts of rock and roll history, soak up the atmosphere and energy of art in its purest form, and relax with a top tier beverage. Shakespeare famously said, “all the world’s a stage.” We couldn’t agree more, although the world stage has gravitated to a digital one. Isn’t it time you take a step back and see a real one?